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We know that some of you (we’re not naming names, here) probably don’t get the recommended amount of fruits and vegetables in your everyday diet. Our juices are specifically designed to provide you with the nutrients that are essential to a healthy and strong body. If you’re curious what kind of benefits come in every bottle we make, take a look at the list below.


Apples are a great source of fiber and also act as natural sweeteners. They’re rich in Vitamin A, which keeps your skin healthy, and can even help cleanse your liver. If that doesn’t convince you, well, you know what they say about apples and doctors…


The agave plant isn’t just used to make tequila, despite what your college friends might think. It’s also a great sweetener with a low glycemic index, and helps boost the immune system.


We use almonds primarily so that you can drink your daily protein needs, but they’re also full of phytochemicals, which have been shown to protect against heart disease and cancer.


Don’t say, “Gross,” yet! Beets are powerful sources of folic acid, which is a necessary component for your body to build new cells. Additionally, they kick your immune system into high gear and help prevent cancer.


During World War II, Britain’s Royal Air Force covered up the existence of RADAR by telling the Nazi’s their pilots ate carrots to see in the dark. Unfortunately, the British weren’t strictly honest, but carrots are still a great source of Vitamin A, and also help fight symptoms of asthma, arthritis, and ulcers.


Even if you’re not normally a fan of spice, you may reconsider after reading the list of benefits that come from cayenne peppers. The short list? Cayenne helps fight the flu/colds, aids digestion and weight loss, and stimulates the circulatory system.


Did you know you actually expend more calories just by chewing celery than you take in? Besides the fact that you’re burning off calories, celery is also great at fighting arthritis and high blood pressure.


These pre-pickles pack an alkaline punch, helping reduce the acidity of your body. They also are great for the skin, and can keep the kidneys running smoothly.


Ginger has been used as a natural medicinal aid for centuries, and with good reason. The root is one of the top five foods in terms of antioxidant content, and has been shown to help treat Alzheimer’s, cancer, and chronic inflammatory conditions.


Grapefruit is a clown car packed full of Vitamin C, which is vital for fighting colds. The fruit is also helpful in fighting symptoms of inflammatory diseases, like asthma or arthritis.


You may not know it, but kale is one of the healthiest vegetables on the planet. Nutrients in kale help your eyes ward off damaging UV rays and prevent cataracts. The leafy veggie is also an incredible source of calcium and antioxidants.


Lemons have long been used to prevent scurvy on long ocean voyages. While you may or may not be a sailor, you’ll still love that lemons alkalize your body and aid digestion.


If you’ve no experience with lemongrass you may be surprised to find out it does indeed have a slight citrus flavor, so the name is not entirely a misnomer. This incredible herb is known for treating colds, anxiety, acne, and insomnia.


It’s not just for toothpaste and mojitos! This refreshing herb can help with cases of indigestion and nausea, and also helps clean toxins out of the stomach and blood.


The color “Orange” was actually named after this fruit, and not the other way around. That’s how important this fruit is! It’s packed full of Vitamin C, prevents hardening of the arteries, and has tumor-inhibiting properties.


That garnish on your plate at the fancy restaurant is healthier than you think! Parsley has demonstrated effectiveness fighting cancer and inflammatory diseases, and also provides nutrients vital to a healthy heart and stronger bones.


Maybe that Hawaiian pizza isn’t so bad for you after all. Oh wait, we checked: it still is. On the other hand, raw pineapple juice has a detoxifying effect on the body. It’s also chock full of bromelain, an enzyme that helps fight cancer.


During the French Revolution, the rebel government actually dedicated a day to Romaine lettuce! While you don’t have to go that far, the leafy green is rich in Vitamins A, K, and C, and stimulates the digestive system.


While a Popeye joke would probably be apropos here, spinach itself is very dear to our hearts. Literally. Spinach has been shown to lower blood pressure. It also promotes stronger nervous and immune systems, and protects your eyes. Maybe that instantly-muscular sailor had it right after all.


Did you know watermelon is actually a huge berry and not a melon at all? The popular summer barbecue fruit is a great source of Vitamins A and C. That pinkish hue? Comes from lycopene, which helps keep your skin looking young.